Friday, July 24, 2009

Miller ruins picture

Click on this link - I got this off of someone's facebook. We thought it was funny because it's a standing joke in our family that Ross was always "ruining" our family pictures! He would never smile or have his eyes closed or SOMETHING! So- still the same old Ross! They have been breaking down their camp by hand - in full body armor. Ross has lost 5 pounds in 4 days and he is NOT happy! After they do this all day, they go on patrol. I'm thankful they make them wear that armor though!

Facebook | Shane Christopher Dixon's Photos - Real men work in body armor

Facebook | Shane Christopher Dixon's Photos - Real men work in body armor

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ross's Visit

We had a great visit with Ross. He made it home just fine. We didn't know until an hour before he landed in Tyler when he would be here. Kyle stayed home from church for the phone call because Ross only has our home phone number memorized. I got a text in the middle of class that he would arrive at 10:30!! I'm afraid I caused an interruption in class but no one minded- they have been so faithful to pray for Ross! We had several families miss worship with us (sorry) to greet him! The Beairds- their son Robert is Ross's best friend since birth, The Myrick gang - they used to babysit Ross and the Keele's - his aunt,uncle and cousins! The 2 weeks he was here flew by and he got very little sleep as he tried to see everyone he ever knew, I think. He drank GALLONS of chocolate milk and took LOTS of long, hot, showers. He even thanked me for the nice bed and clean sheets! What a luxury - even though it is the old twin size bed he has been on since he was 8 and he barely fits!

The first few days Kyle and I were able to spend alot of time with him and he talked almost non-stop. He is very frustrated with alot of things but overall is doing fine. His airborne unit is under NATO law and his main frustration is that they can do little to defend themselves. He doesn't mind the hardships of the army but the laws that seem to do more to protect the enemy than our soldiers are very difficult to deal with. We are thankful that God has protected him though. I won't put details here and I don't even know alot of what happened- he saved those stories for his Dad! For that, I am thankful.

He does say THANK YOU to all of you who send packages-he may not be able to tell you personally but they are appreciated! I kept asking him what he really wants and the only suggestions I really got were socks, razors-good ones that won't cut his face!, chips and hot sauce!! He said the homemade cookies were fine and nothing goes to waste. He will not be in the same camp now. He will actually be at Fort Boris where he will have more civilized surroundings as far as a real bed and showers. I don't know if the danger level will be higher but PLEASE keep all our soldiers covered in prayer. That is the best thing we can do for them. We heard from him this morning and he has been in Bagram since he returned but will go to Boris at some point. If anyone reads this, his birthday is tomorrow so send him a facebook message if you can!!

One of the richest experiences we had was taking him back to DFW. We spent alot of the day waiting in the USO. They have a wonderful place for our military and it is all provided by volunteers and donations. They welcomed him- and us- so warmly and took care of our every need. They provide food, TV's, computers, phone cards, supplies and basically pour out blessings on the military and their families. They paid for our parking and fed us, encouraged us and loved on us!! Most of them have family members serving. It was a sobering day with many tears but the USO makes it so much easier. There were 285 men and a few women leaving on the chartered plane with Ross to Kuwait. They will either be in Afghanistan or Iraq. Watching these young men and women kissing their children goodbye was heart wrenching. They are sacrificing so much. There were some with newborns and everyone there is thinking the same thing - some of them may not be back. This has just been another way that I see God's hand at work though. This war is the work of Satan but God is sovereign.

Friday, June 19, 2009

We got official word from an army buddy of Ross's that he did leave camp at 7:00 am Friday their time!!!! Please pray for safe travel. Ross will contact us from Kuwait and let us know his exact arrival date and time. What a wonderful Father's Day gift!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

As of a few minutes ago, Ross is to leave tomorrow. This time, he at least has some tickets so it seems more likely. He said he will call from Kuwait when he gets there and tell us more. He has been disappointed so many times, please pray that he WILL get to leave tomorrow. Thank you!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The last word from Ross is that he will leave Wednesday! That's tomorrow, folks! I'll feel so much better when the word is that he has actually left his camp!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ross's Leave

I have been having trouble posting but Kyle fixed it for me today! Something about cookies and browsers....... Yea! Ross should be home in the next week or so. We had a message from him this morning saying he was suppose to leave tomorrow (6/15) but it doesn't look like it will happen. He thinks he will leave sometime next week. The information is very sketchy so we are just standing by and when he actually leaves we will let everyone know. I do know this: he is VERY ready to come home and I'm saving up my grocery budget and expecting a high water bill when he gets here! I'm sure he will be taking ALOT of long, hot showers!! Thank you for your continued prayers. We are so anxious to see him and maybe we will have a better understanding of the situation in Afghanistan - or maybe not- depending on how much he is allowed to tell. God Bless!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's 1 a.m. and I just talked to Ross on FB Chat. It is so exciting when I look to see who is online and his name is there. Sometimes, he's not still there, but he was tonight. They are going on 50 days without a shower OR flushing toilets! We are just now realizing he isn't actually at Ft. Boris but out in a makeshift camp. They are sleeping in shipping containers on plywood bunks. He said they are preparing to leave and go back to Boris in a week. They are so anxious. There will be many more "amenities " there - hot showers, hot meals, flushing toilets to name a few! Only his platoon is with him right now, but there will be 150 or so men at Boris. He said it does not get fired on so it is safer. They went into a village recently to build some rapport with the people. He said the doors of the tiny dwellings are only 4 ft. tall. He would have a hard time getting in and out. They gave the children candy! You won't hear about that on the mainstream news. Anyway,he sounded good - very homesick. He is counting the days until June when he has been told he will get to come home for two weeks. I also talked to one of his buddies - the one who had posted the picture of Ross I put up a few days ago. I think I'll be a Platoon Mother. I would rather be Room Mother in Kindergarten, but I guess those days are gone and this is my new role. I'm sending lots of homemade cookies so they will have some when they get to the Ft. I'm too tired to write much more, but please pray for all of our men and women who are protecting our freedoms - most of us enjoyed worshipping without fear today! Thank you, God! Kyle is out of town for a few days and I watched a WWII movie tonight. Of course, I've been crying ever since! Freedom is so precious and so easily and quickly lost. We must never forget. May God have mercy on us.